Originally written 11/25/2022. Updated 6/14/2024.
“Imagine throwing a little stone into a still pond and watching it ripple. That’s what you do when you go into silence and intorduce your intention. Even the faintest intention ripples across the field of universal consciousness that connects your desire with everything else. This field can orchestrate an infinity of details for you. But if your mind is like a turbulent ocean, you could throw the Empire State Building into it and you wouldn’t notice a thing.”
Chapter 1: The Law of Pure Potentiality
The basic building block of all creation, be it a piece of art, a business, a meal, or a relationship, is life Source. Within this Source lies the potential for all creation to be manifested, or formed, in our physical world. This is truth, though we cannot see it. It is as natural of a law as gravity, perhaps even more so, as gravity only exists in relationship to mass. While this force that creates exists everywhere, independent unto itself. This force is known as Source.
Source is the true root of all things. It is what causes a tree to grow, the wind to blow, the Earth to rotate, stars to shine and life to exist. While it uses natural, physical laws to build, it is a universal intelligence that is not bound by such laws.
As humans, we are one with Source. Our true self, our essence, our spirit, is a part of this. Knowing this is powerful. Using this knowledge as our internal reference point allows us to create without bounds. However, it’s possible to sometimes get lost, or disconnected from Source, and instead use our own ego, or our self-image, as our internal reference point.
What is this “ego”? How is our self-image defined by it? Deepak writes that ego is created based on the external. What we see on the news. What is trending online. How we believe the world views us creeps into and impacts how we in turn view ourselves. This is a false sense of self. This is ego.
I should sidestep momentarily and mention that this false self is not always negative. Sometimes the self-image we have built provides a feeling of pride or worthiness. Other times it can lead to worthlessness or guilt. Regardless, it is only a temporary image, a false Self. It blocks us and disconnects us from the Source of the Universe. It relies on the need for an external approval, which in turn breeds fear and doubt of oneself. These are falsehoods that only exist because we allow them. They are created only within ourselves and do not guide us to our highest good.
There is no shame in allowing this ego to become our internal reference point. It is quite easy to do so. I will use myself as an example. I work daily with the Universe. Studying it, playing with it, and sometimes struggling with it. I have read books on connecting with Source and accept this as a truth. Yet still, I fall into the trap of allowing my ego, my internal perception of my external perception, to take over. I worry about how people with perceive me and my business. How crazy is that?! I accept Source as truth, and yet I am hesitant to publicly speak on it for fear of being judged by others. The fear removes me from Source. It prohibits my ability to connect and create with it. To be true and successful do my work, I must release this.
So how can we connect to Source?
We can put this to practice by simply being. Releasing judgement, releasing expectations and being as present as possible. Meditation can help, but I have noticed a lot of people struggle with the act of meditation or being physically still and quieting their mind. For those individuals, I would recommend active meditation. You can practice active meditation by putting yourself in a situation where your brain is not allowed to race on and your body is not required to keep still, such as exercising.
Let's use going for a run as an example. Instead of ruminating on ego-driven topics, focus your attention on body. Focus your attention on where your feet are hitting the ground, how your breath is moving in and out, the pace your arms are swinging. Zone in on your body's movement. Zone out on everything else.
In this moment, we can find self-acceptance. Your career, income, accomplishments and failures, possessions, relationships, health, wants, desires, needs... Accept this all, and then release. Release any feelings of shame or pride. Any and all emotional attachement to these things, release them. They will all be there when you finish your run, but for a moment, release them. Do not allow them to exist in your mental space. Let them wash away. This is how we become present.
There is a certain irony to this releasing of ego in order connect with Source and create. There tends to be a stigma around energy work. Some call it a pseudo-science. Some don’t believe it’s power or existence. Some believe it to be a farce altogether. We know this not to be true, yet we must not allow those who judge this work to impede our own. For if we allow this judgement to come into our lives, our ability to create and work with Source is diminished. In order to work in this field, we need to release our ego, and the stigma surrounding the field forces us to do so anyway.
Deepak goes onto mention one such cause of turbulence is our judgement. While our ego judges ourselves, it also judges others. We must be wary of this, as it feeds ego and separates from source.
Our being is “consciousness itself, both as it manifests in the material world and as it lies unmanifested in your being.” Let that un-manifested being come out! In doing so, we release friction and inner tension. In doing so, we allow space f
or creation. It is nature to create, it is unnatural to hold back and to fear. Trees grow towards the sun. Streams flow/create down the path of least resistance. There is no doubt. There is no hesitation.
Once we are connected with Source, we introduce our intention.
